Delivering an experience you can only get from Russell ...
the most respected name in water features.
More Design Options. Easier to Install.
Easy to Clean & Maintain. Lowest Cost of Ownership.

Russell Watergardens & Koi is unique in an industry that is filled with "same-ness". Our company is a pond and water feature filtration manufacturer that started out as a specialty pond and water feature installation business. This gives us a special insight into what works and what doesn't. From installing only, we grew into retail, then wholesale, then manufacturing, and then expanded nationally via
The company is unique in that it has extensive experience in all aspects of water feature design, build, maintenance, wholesale, retail, manufacturing, and distribution. Keeping a focus on educating customers as to the benefits, and overall cost savings of high quality products.
Our philosophy: Building a water feature with high quality products the first time is much less expensive than building a water feature with poor quality products that fail - then have to be demolished and rebuilt with high quality products the second time around.
Having installed virtually every brand of filtration system on the market, we gained in-depth knowledge of how various products are installed and serviced, how they perform, and most important - how to clean them. This provided us a unique perspective prior to creating our own innovative components and systems that are a drastic improvement over every brand on the market.
Russell Watergardens & Koi has a Toll-Free customer service phone line, a live CHAT feature on our website, and email with direct person-to-person interaction between the manufacturer and the end user. Again, this gives Russell Watergardens & Koi the advantage of applying customer suggestions in the manufacture and/or upgrading of its products. Consumers have the power to affect enhancement and future products.
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