John and Pamela Russell

Founded upon an Uncompromising Commitment to Professionalism, Innovation, Outstanding Customer Service, and Attention to Detail

John Russell
Founder, CEO, & Inventor
John started his first business in 1997, and has owned a retail/wholesale business since 2001, and a manufacturing business since 2003. John designed and engineered all our proprietary equipment and products seen on this web site.
John created the Original pondless waterfall, the patented backflushable Hydro Vortex™ waterfall filter, remote installation capable HydroClean™ pond skimmers, the HydroSieve™ compact pre-filter, remote installation capable HydroChamber™ combination pump vault and water storage tank, the Hybrid Pond™, CrossOver Pond™, and Bubble-less Koi Pond™, and the entire "game-changing" Ultimate pondless waterfall system.
John is also a nationally recognized writer, educational speaker, water feature photographer, and instructor on all aspects of water features and profitably managing businesses through ever-changing economic times. His proudest accomplishment was marrying up and landing Pamela back in 1993. John lives with his wife Pamela in Phoenix, AZ.

Pamela Russell
Co-Founder & President
Pamela has been in the retail customer service marketplace since 1982. She has been involved with customer service in upscale retail department stores, leisure and business travel industries. She has been a business owner since 1997 and a retail/wholesale business owner since 2001. Pamela has worked as a water feature designer and estimator, as well as the manager of Russell Watergardens & Koi water feature design/build division since 2003.
She has managed Russell Watergardens & Koi warehouse operations since 2001 - including purchasing, shipping and receiving, hiring, directing of Human Resources at Russell Watergardens & Koi, bookkeeping, payroll, and day to day operations. Pamela developed the company's systems for day to day operations.
Pamela lives with her husband John in Phoenix, AZ.

John and Pamela Russell are both avid golfers and outdoor adventurers.
Company Founders:
John & Pamela Russell
flying acrobatic planes near Las Vegas.
The Russell's taking the
Top Gun Flight Experience
at Sky Combat Ace.
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