Hybrid Pond™ Kits are Part Koi Pond, Part Water Garden Pond
Proudly Made in the U.S.A.
Hybrid Pond™ Kits are an Exclusive Russell Pond Concept
What is a Hybrid Pond™? How to Build a Hybrid Pond™

Company Founder, John Russell invented the Hybrid Pond™ concept and Hybrid Pond™ Kits for those who prefer the natural "look" of a water garden pond but want a pond that is deeper and safer for raising koi. The Hybrid Pond™ is designed for routine maintenance and backwashing so the pond never has to be drained and pressure washed like typical water garden pond kits found everywhere online.
A Hybrid Pond™ can only be constructed with a backwashable Hydro Vortex™ waterfall filter. Typical water garden pond kits found everywhere online feature "annually cleaned" waterfall filters that are unhealthy for raising koi. Hybrid Pond™ Kits also feature a bottom drain and HydroSieve™ bottom drain pre-filter, an external pump, external aeration, and a UV Clarifier.

Like a koi pond, the Hybrid Pond™ features a smooth, bare liner bottom that is sloped towards the bottom drain for efficient fish waste and debris removal. Unlike a koi pond, the Hybrid Pond™ uses rocks and boulders to retain the sides of the pond and build the waterfalls. Having no gravel in the pond, aquatic plants are placed in aquatic plant baskets on the single marginal plant shelf.

By using an external pump, suction between the HydroClean™ Pond Skimmer and the HydroSieve™ Bottom Drain Pre-filter is controlled by a 3-way valve. The Hybrid Pond™ has increased submerged circulation over a water garden pond due to the bottom drain, UV Clarifier return pipe, and submerged aeration under the waterfalls. As the air bubbles rise from the air-stone diffuser, water current moves upward with the bubbles. This pulls water and debris toward the bottom drain where it is removed and trapped in the HydroSieve™ bottom drain pre-filter for easy routine rinsing. The UV Clarifier return pipe enters the pond opposite of the waterfalls, and at the bottom of the pond to direct water and debris towards the bottom drain. The surface current moves from the waterfalls towards the pond skimmer, the submerged water current flows in the opposite direction - from the UV Clarifier return towards the bottom drain and air diffuser under the waterfalls. This drastically increases the water circulation for the most efficient debris removal.

Like koi ponds, Hybrid Ponds™ never need to be drained for cleaning. Also, Hybrid Ponds™ only have one marginal plant shelf, and are deeper than water garden ponds making them safer for koi. Water depth is the best defense against predators that want to dine on your beloved koi.
By placing the bottom drain and the submerged aeration below the waterfalls, the rising bubbles become invisible while increasing water circulation and disolved oxygen.