Hydro Vortex™ waterfall filters are Patented, Backwashable, and Easy to Clean
Proudly Made in the U.S.A.
Waterfall filters perform dual tasks: They are a biological filter and a waterfall starter. Our Hydro Vortex™ waterfall filters become invisible when installed and are perfect for any type of pond or pondless waterfall.

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Hydro Vortex™ easy to clean waterfall filters feature an internal vortex for heavy solids removal, a bio filter stage for metabolizing dissolved organics, and Hydro FilterSilk™ media for superior water polishing. Hydro Vortex™ waterfall filters let you spend more time enjoying your pond or pondless waterfall and less time cleaning it! No disassembly required for cleaning as with all "annually cleaned" waterfall filters! The patented design backwashes the bio media within the filter and out the included drain kit.

Patented Hydro Vortex™ waterfall filters in small, medium, and large are easy to clean and completely backflushable. Backflushing your waterfall filter keeps it performing at peak efficiency all year round which results in a much cleaner pond or pondless water feature and a healthier ecosystem. This backwashable waterfall filter helps keep all types of ponds and pondless waterfalls clean and healthy. Hydro Vortex™ waterfall filters feature superior water polishing and have the highest SSA available in any brand of waterfall filter.

Can you see the Hydro Vortex™ Waterfall Filter in this photo? The filter's design has both a lower, and upper grate that hold the Hydro FilterSilk™ bio media inside. This allows you to place stones directly on the upper grate to completely hide the filter! It simply appears to be a natural water spring welling up through the stones.

Create beautiful Water Garden Ponds, Hybrid Ponds™, and Crossover Ponds™ with easy to clean Hydro™ Vortex waterfall filter. You can also construct amazing pondless waterfalls and pondless streams with this superior waterfall filter. No other brand of waterfall filter on the market can compare to the ease of cleaning, the high surface area bio reaction, and superior water polishing of Hydro Vortex™ waterfall filters.
Hydro Vortex™ waterfall filters combine high surface area Hydro FilterSilk™ bio media, a vortex solids separator, settling cone with a bottom drain for complete and efficient backwashing. Hydro Vortex™ waterfall filters do not require disassembly, blowers or air pumps for backwashing.
Biological waterfall filters – of any kind or brand – that are not periodically back-flushed will eventually plug with fish waste, mulm and detritus (the build-up of fish and bacterial waste that looks like brown goop).
If the fish waste, mulm and detritus isn’t periodically back-flushed from a waterfall filter it can clog the filter media – no matter what type. Clogged filter media can cause the water to start “channeling” around the filter media within the filter. This means that water is finding a path of least resistance around the clogged media.
Water that channels around the filter media inside typical waterfall filters isn't being filtered. Water passing around the media through channels causes other areas within the filter to have stagnant, non-moving, oxygen-deprived water that encourage anaerobic conditions. Hydro Vortex™ waterfall filters solve these problems for you.