Water Garden Pond Kits from Russell Watergardens are easy to clean and come with multiple pump options

Pond Kits for Water Garden Ponds

Proudly Made in the U.S.A.

Easy to clean pond kits with multiple pump options - submersible or external. Fish safe, remote installation capable pond skimmer with multiple plumbing ports.
Backwashable waterfall filter complete with all media and drain kit included. Choice of Auto Water Fill Valve kits.



13 products
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Ahi series 6'x6' pond kit and SH-2700 submersible pump Ahi series 6'x6' pond kit and SH-2700 submersible pump with HydroFlush backwash system
Ahi Series 6'x11' pond kit and SH-2700 submersible pump Ahi Series 6'x11' pond kit and SH-2700 submersible pump with HydroFlush backwash system
Ahi Series 11'x11' pond kit and SH-2700 submersible pump Ahi Series 11'x11' pond kit and SH-2700 submersible pump with HydroFlush backwash system
Marlin Series 11'x11' pond kit and SH-4020 submersible pump Marlin Series 11'x11' pond kit and SH-4020 submersible pump with HydroFlush backwash system
Marlin Series 11'x16' pond kit and SH-4020 submersible pump Marlin Series 11'x16' pond kit and SH-4020 submersible pump with HydroFlush backwash system
Dolphin Series 16'x16' pond kit and SH-5100 submersible pump Dolphin Series 16'x16' pond kit and SH-5100 submersible pump with HydroFlush backwash system
Dolphin Series 16'x21' pond kit and SH-5100 submersible pump Dolphin Series 16'x21' pond kit and SH-5100 submersible pump with HydroFlush backwash system
Dolphin Series 21'x21' pond kit and SH-5100 submersible pump Dolphin Series 21'x21' pond kit and SH-5100 submersible pump with HydroFlush backwash system
Double Dolphin Series 21'x26' jumbo pond kit and SH-10500 submersible pump Double Dolphin Series 21'x26' jumbo pond kit and SH-10500 submersible pump with HydroFlush backwash system
Double Dolphin Series 26'x26' jumbo pond kit and SH-10500 submersible pump Double Dolphin Series 26'x26' jumbo pond kit and SH-10500 submersible pump with HydroFlush backwash system
Double Dolphin Series 34'x34' jumbo pond kit and SH-10500 submersible pump Double Dolphin Series 34'x34' jumbo pond kit and SH-10500 submersible pump with HydroFlush backwash system
Double Dolphin Series 26'x31' jumbo pond kit and SH-10500 submersible pump Double Dolphin Series 26'x31' jumbo pond kit and SH-10500 submersible pump with HydroFlush backwash system
Double Dolphin Series 31'x31' jumbo pond kit and SH-10500 submersible pump Double Dolphin Series 31'x31' jumbo pond kit and SH-10500 submersible pump with HydroFlush backwash system

Proudly Made in the U.S.A.

Easy to clean pond kits with multiple pump options - submersible or external. Fish safe, remote installation capable pond skimmer with multiple plumbing ports.
Backwashable waterfall filter complete with all media and drain kit included. Choice of Auto Water Fill Valve kits.

Water garden pond cross section drawing

Our Ultimate water garden pond kits are based on a 24" maximum depth. Each pond kit features a backwashable Hydro Vortex™ waterfall filter, a fish safe HydroClean™ pond skimmer, your choice of pump type (submersible or external) and flow rate to dial in just the right waterfall sound. Each HydroClean™ pond skimmer is Auto-Fill-Valve ready and pre-plumbed with three outlet ports for one, or two pumps and an overflow pipe.

Pond kits for water garden ponds


Our Ultimate Pond kits for water garden ponds let you create beautiful water garden ponds filled with aquatic plants and a variety of pond fish and small koi.

Water garden pond kits are centered around a maximum depth of 24" with one or more aquatic plant shelves at varying depths in the pond. There is typically a water lily shelf, a marginal plant shelf, and bog type plantings behind the boulders. The pond bottom is covered with pea gravel and small river rock and the aquatic plants get planted directly into the gravel. The sides are held in place, and the waterfall is constructed with boulders stacked in a retaining wall manner.

The Benefits of Our Ultimate Water Garden Pond Kits

Ultimate Water Garden Pond Kits include the patented backwashable Hydro Vortex Waterfall Filter™ that makes cleaning your biofilter clean and easy. This waterfall filter eliminates "annual pond cleanings" by letting you routinely rinse, or "fluff" the pond gravel while the pond is full of water and the pump is running. The Hydro Vortex™ waterfall filter comes complete with all bio media and a drain kit. Using your garden hose and a section of 3/4" PVC pipe, and a spray nozzle - "fluff" the gravel in the pond. What had settled down into the gravel will cloud up into the pond water. By using HydroFloc™ water clarifier, the cloudy water will quickly clear and settle all the debris into the Hydro Vortex™ waterfall filter. Then simply backwash it clean! 

Watch this short video on how easy to clean a Hydro Vortex filter really is!

In addition to the easy to clean Hydro Vortex™ waterfall filter, Ultimate Water Garden Pond Kits feature the revolutionary HydroClean™ Pond Skimmer.  HydroClean™ pond skimmers are totally fish safe, can be installed away from the pond's edge, and feature "Dry-Hands-Servicing" - meaning that you don't have bend down and place your hands down into the water inside the pond skimmer to remove a filter pad.  HydroClean™ pond skimmers are also pre-plumbed with three dual female threaded outlet ports and one ½" dual female port for an auto water fill valve. HydroClean™ pond skimmers come in three sizes and are sized for the flow rate through them and are compatible with either submersible or external pond pumps

The Seagull HydroClean™ pond skimmer features a 4" inlet nipple for remote installation and an easy liner attachment collar and three 1½" outlet ports and an Auto Water Fill Valve port.

The Piper HydroClean™ pond skimmer features a 6" inlet nipple for remote installation and an  easy liner attachment collar and three 2" outlet ports and an Auto Water Fill Valve port.

The Pelican HydroClean™ pond skimmer features a 10" inlet nipple for remote installation and an easy liner attachment collar and three 3" outlet ports and an Auto Water Fill Valve port.

HydroClean™ Pond Skimmers Feature the Most Plumbing Options of Any Pond Skimmer

HydroClean Pond Skimmer with left outlet port being used with a submersible pumpHydroClean pond skimmer with rear outlet port being used with a submersible pumpHydroClean Pond Skimmer using the right outlet port with a submersible pumpHydroClean Pond Skimmer with two submersible pumps using the left and right outlet ports

Why Install the HydroClean™ Pond Skimmer Away from the Pond Edge?

HydroClean Pond Skimmers attach to PVC pipe for remote installationHydroClean Pond Skimmers make for a more natural pond appearance









Watch this short video on how the HydroClean™ Pond Skimmer works.