Russell Pondless Systems™
Pondless Water Feature Ideas and Styles For You to Choose From
How to Winterize a Russell Pondless Systems™ Pondless Waterfall
Pondless WaterfallsHow to Winterize a Russell Pondless Systems™ Pondless Waterfall
Pondless Waterfalls & Stream
Pondless Pool and Waterfalls
Pondless Rock Columns

We've created multiple DIY pondless waterfall ideas and styles for you to choose from. No matter what pondless waterfall idea or style you choose, you can rest assured that our pondless kits will provide you with unlimited design options and be easy to clean.
At the heart of each Russell Pondless Systems™ pondless waterfall style is a HydroChamber™ and HydroSieve™ Pre-Filter. The HydroChamber™ houses the pump and stores all the water when the pump is turned off.
Water in each of our Ultimate pondless styles passes through the HydroSieve™ pre-filter before reaching the HydroChamber™. Debris that falls into, washes into, or gets blown into the pondless water feature will be captured by the HydroSieve™. Simply remove the stainless steel filter basket and rinse it out. This prevents the debris from getting trapped down in the rocks to feed unsightly algae as with all conventional pondless waterfall basins.

Russell Pondless Systems™ Ultimate pondless waterfall kits provide designers, installers, and end-users unlimited design options. From pondless waterfalls, to pondless streams, to pondless pools, to pondless fountain rock columns, or other types of fountains. You can have the pump chamber and pre-filter connected together, or separated with pipe. You can install them adjacent to, or away from the pondless water feature itself.

All conventional pondless styles utilize rock and gravel for the pondless waterfall basin. The rock and gravel performs as a pre-filter trapping debris.
The question everyone should ask be purchasing a conventional gravel based pondless waterfall kit is:
"How do I clean it?"

The problem with conventional pondless waterfalls is that the are all the same! They all utilize a large excavation filled with underlayment, rubber liner, a slotted pump vault, matrix units, and lots of rock and gravel. Conventional pondless waterfalls are labor intensive to build and extremely difficult to clean. How do you remove the debris that gets trapped down inside the rock and gravel? If you don't remove it, it feeds algae like crazy! No one wants to have an algae covered pondless water feature.
With Russell Pondless Systems™ ULTIMATE pondless system, the HydroSieve™ will trap debris for easy removal and cleaning. No more trying to hand pick rock and gravel basins clean. The HydroSieve™ removes debris from your pondless water feature before it can feed algae or clog your pump!

Russell Pondless Systems™ ULTIMATE pondless waterfall kits are the most advanced available. What makes our pondless waterfall kits the most advanced? The Ultimate pondless kit replaces the rock and gravel pondless waterfall basins required by conventional pondless waterfall kits with an innovative pre-filter and tank system. Water passes through a HydroSieve™ pre-filter where debris is captured for simple, easy removal. The HydroChamber™ "all-in-one" water storage tank and pump vault houses the pump and stores all the water of the pondless water feature.

This photo of the Original pondless waterfall - created by Russell Watergardens at our first store location that opened in 2001 - has been seen around the world. This photo has been published in many magazines and catalogs. It is credited for starting the pondless waterfall phenomenon. This Original pondless waterfall is now what we refer to as a "conventional" pondless waterfall. While it was beautiful at the time we built it, it proved to be difficult to clean. So we invented an easier to clean alternative. The Ultimate pondless waterfall kit system now makes every pondless waterfall idea easier to clean and maintain.
All pondless waterfall kits that use a slotted pump vault and a rubber lined basin filled with rock and gravel - with or without water matrix blocks (aqua blocks) is going to be extremally difficult to clean and maintain.
Do yourself a favor when shopping for or researching pondless waterfall kits and ask this simple question:
"How Do I Clean It?"
With any Russell Pondless Systems™ Ultimate pondless waterfall kit .... you KNOW the answer!