Hydro Vescense™ Pond and Rock Cleaner with a waterfall background
1 lb. Hydro Vescense™ Effervescent Pond and Rock Cleaner
2 lb. Hydro Vescense™ Effervescent Pond and Rock Cleaner
8 lb. Hydro Vescense™ Effervescent Pond and Rock Cleaner
25 lb. Hydro Vescense™ Effervescent Pond and Rock Cleaner

Russell Professional Pond & Pondless Products

Pond and Rock Cleaner - Hydro Vescense™ For All Types of Ponds and Pondless Water Features

Sale price$16.99 Regular price$29.99
Save $13.00
Size:1 lb. Jar

Safe For Use on Ponds and Water Features with Fish & Water Plants

Hydro Vescense pond and rock cleaner

If your waterfall rocks, pond rocks, pond gravel, or fountain is experiencing green, yellow, red, brown, or black buildup – Hydro Vescence™ Effervescent Pond Cleaner is just what you're looking for!

Quickly Scrubs Away the Toughest Buildup
Harmless to your fish and safe for submerged water plants, pets and wildlife when used as directed.

  • Made in the U.S.A.
  • Oxygen based pond cleaner for all types of ponds, waterfalls, streams, rock columns, fountains, and water features
  • Active ingredients: Sodium Carbonate and Hydrogen Peroxide – Na2CO2 & H2O2
  • Intense hydrogen peroxide scrubbing action naturally removes unsightly build-up
  • Goes to work quickly
  • Easy to use granules
  • Safe for fish and wildlife when used as directed
  • Effective on waterfall rocks, rock columns, pond rock, and pond and stream gravel
  • Effective on and will not harm pond liner, gunite, concrete, shotcrete, and polyurea liners
  • Works on all submerged and non-submerged surfaces
  • Sinks through water to work on submerged surfaces
  • Scrubs away even the toughest build-up
  • Use at first sign of any unsightly build-up
  • Can be used weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly
  • First time dosage: 3-16 scoops for every 200 square feet of affected area
  • Maintenance dosage: 1-5 scoops for every 200 square feet of affected area
  • Scoop included
  • 2 year shelf life
  • Airtight containers
  • 2, 8, or 25 pound containers 
Hydro  Vescense pond and rock cleaner

Hydro Vescense™ Effervescent Pond Cleaner

Hydro Vescense™ is a special blend of ingredients that utilizes the powerful, yet gentle scrubbing action of granular hydrogen peroxide to remove unsightly buildup in seconds.

Hydro Vescense™ is a granular, non-copper effervescent pond cleaner. It works on contact through the power of oxidation. The two active ingredients in Hydro Vescence™ combine to form “Sodium percarbonate“. Essentially it is a stabilized and powerful version of Peroxide chemistry. 

Granular Hydro Vescense pond and rock cleaner

Easy to Use
, Hydro Vescense™ is a low dust granular pond cleaner. Powder based oxy pond cleaners can release large amounts of dust that must be avoided. The granules of Hydro Vescense™ produce much less dust than powders.

Unlike typical powder based oxy pond cleaners that can cause pH swings – Hydro Vescense™ features sodium bicarbonate. Sodium bicarbonate, also known as baking soda, gently buffers the water to prevent pH swings. Your koi and pond fish require stable pH and the baking soda in Hydro Vescence™ helps.

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