John Russell of Russell Watergardens built this, and now famous Original pondless waterfall in Redmond, WA

The History of the Original Pondless Waterfall

This is the story of where, when, why, and who built the Original pondless waterfall that sparked the pondless waterfall revolution. How the Original pondless waterfall took the country by storm. W...
Rock and gravel reservoir types pondless waterfalls can only be cleaned by hand

How to Clean a Pondless Waterfall

How to Clean a Russell Pondless Systems™Ultimate Pondless Waterfall. How to clean a rock and gravel reservoir pondless waterfall. We show you how to clean both types of pondless waterfalls. YOU dec...
Hydro Vortex waterfall filters become invisible when installed

Does a Pondless Waterfall Need a Filter?

The simple answer is YES!  But the more important question to ask should be "WHY?"  A filter on a pondless waterfall will help keep the water clean and clear by trapping organics for easy removal b...
Ultimate pondless waterfall design with HydroSieve, HydroChamber, and Hydro Vortex backwashable waterfall filter

Pondless Waterfall Design Ideas

For pondless waterfall design ideas, you first need to decide which type of pondless waterfall kit to purchase - a common rock and gravel reservoir type, or the Ultimate pondless waterfall kit that...
Compare pondless waterfall kits
Compare Pondless Waterfall Kits

Compare Competing Pondless Waterfall Kits

Compare the internet's most popular pondless waterfall kits. Compare pondless waterfall kits by Russell Pondless Systems™, Aquascape, Easy Pro, Savio, Atlantic Oase, and others.  Compare what is in...
How to Get Rid of Pond Algae
How to get rid of pond algae

How to Get Rid of Pond Algae

Algae Control for Ponds There are many ways to kill and control algae in ponds, but killing algae doesn't prevent it from coming back.  To properly control algae in your pond, you first need to dec...
What Can I Feed My Koi Besides Fish Food?
Aisuru Koi

What Can I Feed My Koi Besides Fish Food?

Koi, like all living things require a healthy diet for optimal health.  Aisuru Koi and Aisuru Goldfish foods are a healthy and natural food to feed your fish.  To stretch your fish food budget, Ais...
"Annually Cleaned" waterfall filters can only be cleaned by hand
Annually Cleaned Waterfall Filters - What You Need to Know

The TRUTH About "Annually Cleaned" Waterfall Filters - What They Don't Want You to Know

You should read this BEFORE you purchase any brand of Pond Kit, Pondless Waterfall Kit, or Waterfall Filter.  We show you what they don't want you to see and give you information that they don't wa...
The Truth About Pondless Waterfall Water Storage Basins
Easy to Clean Pondless Waterfalls

The Truth About Pondless Waterfall Water Storage Basins

Slotted Pump Vault & Gravel Pondless Waterfall Water Storage Basins vs. HydroChamber™ Pump Chambers.  Slotted pump vaults don't hold water - HydroChambers™ do Slotted pump vaults don't have t...