Slotted Pump Vault & Gravel Pondless Waterfall Water Storage Basins vs. HydroChamber™ Pump Chambers.

- Slotted pump vaults don't hold water - HydroChambers™ do
- Slotted pump vaults don't have threaded connections - HydroChambers™ do
- Slotted pump vaults are not pre-fitted for multiple pumps - HydroChambers™ are
- Slotted pump vaults are not pre-fitted for an overflow pipe - HydroChambers™ are
- Slotted pump vaults are not-pre-fitted for an auto fill valve - HydroChambers™ are
- Slotted pump vaults require water storage matrix blocks - HydroChambers™ do NOT
- Slotted pump vaults require rubber liner to hold water - HydroChambers™ do NOT
- Slotted pump vaults require underlayment to protect the rubber liner - HydroChambers™ do NOT
- Slotted pump vaults require tons of rock and gravel to cover it all - HydroChambers™ do NOT
- All this requires a large excavation - HydroChambers™ don't
- Slotted pump vaults must always be at the base of the pondless water feature - HydroChambers™ do NOT
- Slotted pump vaults cannot be moved anywhere else - HydroChambers™ CAN
- Slotted pump vault gravel basins CANNOT BE CLEANED - HydroChambers™ CAN
- Gravel filled slotted pump vault basins grow excessive and unsightly algae -HydroChambers™ do NOT
- Rotting debris in slotted pump vaults fowls the water
- The slotted pump vault gravel basin eventually clogs - HydroChambers™ do NOT
- Slotted pump vault gravel basins eventually get replaced via a Pondless Basin Ectomy - HydroChambers™ do NOT
- Slotted pump vaults have a lower purchase price - but require purchasing water storage matrix blocks, rubber liner, underlayment, and rock - HydroChambers™ do NOT
- Slotted pump vaults have a much higher total cost than HydroChambers™
- Slotted pump vaults have a higher cost of ownership than HydroChambers™
- Need we say more? We will anyway (because you need to know) ... please read on ...
Slotted Pump Vault Pondless Water Storage Basins Require Large Excavations
Why would anyone want to dig a huge hole in the ground - only to fill it back up with underlayment, liner, multiple pump vaults, water storage matrix blocks, and tons of rock? The cost of the rock, gravel, pump vaults, matrix blocks …. AND the labor to dig the gigantic hole and to place all these things in it is much higher than HydroChamber™ All-in-One Pondless Pump Chamber Water Storage Tanks.
The HydroChamber™ is designed to house up to two pumps AND two matrix blocks worth of water storage in one single unit. It is also a direct burial tank so underlayment, liner, and rock is NOT required.
Unlike the slotted pump vaults shown in these photos at the base of the water feature, the HydroChamber™ can be installed in a remote location away from the water feature.
The HydroChamber™ is designed to house up to two pumps AND two matrix blocks worth of water storage in one single unit. It is also a direct burial tank so underlayment, liner, and rock are NOT required. Unlike slotted pump vaults at the base of the water feature, the HydroChamber™ can be installed in a remote location away from the water feature for the most natural appearance.
With the combined pump vault and water storage tank configuration of the HydroChamber™ and HydroSieve™ pre-filter, the pondless waterfall water storage excavation can be significantly smaller than conventional pondless waterfall water storage basins. A smaller pondless water storage excavation requires less labor, saving you installation time and money.

The HydroChamber™ is a Better Value.
The slotted pump vaults shown in the photos above cost around $240.00 each. Two of them equal $480.00. The water storage matrix blocks cost around $45.00 each. Two of them equal $90.00. When you add the cost of two pump vaults and two matrix blocks – it comes to $570.00.
But don’t forget, you have to add $75.00 for a 10’x10′ liner and $25.00 for a 10’x10′ underlayment – an additional $100.00. Now add $150.00 for a 1/2 ton of river rock with delivery. The grand total for a conventional pondless water storage basin is a whopping $820.00!
A single HydroChamber™ All-in-One Pondless Pump Vault Water Storage Tank replaces two slotted pump vaults, two water storage matrix blocks, 10’x10′ underlayment, 10’x10′ liner, and the river rock for just $399.00! Saving you $421.00. That’s real money!
You could purchase a HydroChamber™ with nothing but the money you SAVE over buying a slotted pump vault!
Another cost savings is the time and money you will save by digging a much smaller hole in the ground. The HydroChamber™ requires only a fraction of the excavation space of the conventional slotted pump vault and rock pondless waterfall basin. That alone could add several hundred more dollars in labor costs to the typical pondless basin – bringing the total cost over $1,000.00!
This makes your savings with JUST ONE HydroChamber™ over $600.00!
The HydroChamber™
All-in-One Pump Vault and Water Storage Tank
Completely Eliminates:
- Large pondless basin excavations
- Impossible to clean gravel filled pondless basins
- Hours and hours of installation labor
- Pondless basin underlayment
- Pondless basin liner
- Slotted pump vaults
- Water storage matrix blocks
- Pondless basin river rock
- Pondless basin pebbles
Slotted pump vaults are configured for just one pump, and they are NOT configured for an automatic water fill valve. To add an automatic water fill valve, you would have to modify the slotted pump vault – at additional expense for tools and labor. If your pondless design calls for two pumps, you must use two slotted pump vaults or make modifications – at additional expense for tools and labor. The HydroChamber™ is pre-configured for two pumps AND an automatic water fill valve with no modifications required.
In doing your research on which pump vault to purchase
or have installed for you
You absolutely must know the real costs of the pump vault you’re about to purchase. There are so many choices out there, it can become confusing which one is right for you. We hope that we're doing a good enough job here of giving you as much information as possible to help you decide (subliminal hint: HydroChamber™), but if we haven't yet .... again ..... please read on.
Cleaning Pondless Water Features
Slotted pump vaults use river rock as the pre-filter to the matrix blocks under gravel water storage. HydroChambers™ use a HydroSieve-PF easy to clean prefilter. The force of the moving water forces debris deep down into the rock and gravel - or into the HydroSieve's stainless steel filter basket. Which do YOU think would be easier to clean? Anyway, ask these questions:
The questions you need to ask before
purchasing a slotted pump vault:
- Am I required to also purchase rubber liner?
- Am I required to also purchase underlayment to protect the liner?
- Am I required to also purchase water storage matrix blocks?
- Am I required to also purchase purchase rock and gravel to cover the water storage basin?
- Can I move the water storage basin away from the pondless water feature?
Quite possibly the MOST IMPORTANT
questions to ask before purchasing or having a slotted pump vault installed for you:

- How do I CLEAN the rock and gravel of the water storage basin?
- What happens if I don't?
The answer to the first question is: By Hand!
The only way to remove leaves, tree needles, mulch, grass clippings, flower blossoms, windblown seeds such as cottonwood and dandelions, bird poop, dead insects and worms, bathing bird feathers, and other debris from a slotted pump vault gravel filled basin is by hand.
The answer to the second question is:
Algae ...
and lots of it!
Debris decaying down inside the rock of a conventional slotted pump vault pondless basin smells terrible and grows algae.
Algae grows on waterfall rocks, rocks and gravel within a stream bed, and the basin rock itself. To control the algae, you’ll have to apply large amounts of expensive algaecides regularly. This drastically adds to the cost of ownership of pondless water features.
Over time, not even algaecides can solve the problem. The river rock pre-filter required in front of slotted pump vaults - no matter what they’re called – Just a Falls, Pond Free, No Pond, Zero Pond – ALL become clogged over time. When the river rock is clogged, water flow to the pump becomes restricted.
Eventually the pump will pump water out faster than it can return – causing the pump to run dry and burn out. The cost of repeatedly replacing a pump significantly increases the cost of ownership of the typical slotted pump vault pondless water feature.
The only remedy to this problem is the complete dismantling of the conventional river rock pondless basin. This is known as a “Basin-Ectomy”. A Basin-Ectomy is the complete dismantling and removal of the clogged river rock, matrix blocks, slotted pump vault, basin liner, and basin underlayment and replacing all of those items with a HydroSieve™-PF pre-filter and a HydroChamber™ All-in-One Pondless Pump Chamber Water Storage Tank.

Replacing Obsolete Hard to Clean
Pondless Gravel Basins with
Easy to Clean Hydro Sieve™ Filter and HydroChamber™
- A 2-man crew can complete the job in 2-4 hours
- A 1-man crew can complete the job in 4-8 hours
- Replaces hard-to-clean gravel basins with an easy-to-clean HydroSieve™ pre-filter and HydroChamber™
- Requires minimal tools - shovel, level, and soil
- Reduces the basin space
- Completely modular to fit any application
- Drastically improves water quality
- Less Algae!
- Allows owners to clean their pondless systems themselves in just seconds
- Replaces gravel filled basins, water blocks, and perforated pump vaults that allow gravel to reach the pump

- Remove any aquatic plants from the gravel basin area
- Remove the boulders
- Remove the gravel
- Remove the pump vault
- Remove the water blocks (if installed)
- Remove the under gravel pipe (if installed)
- Remove the basin liner
- Remove the basin underlayment
- Now you're ready for the next steps
- Reshape the excavation
- Install the HydroChamber™
- Install the HydroSieve™ pre-filter and connect it to the HydroChamber™
- Install the optional auto fill valve
- Connect the main plumbing line to the HydroChamber™
- Install the pump inside the HydroChamber™
- Backfill the HydroChamber™ and HydroSieve™ with soil
- Fill in the remaining excavation space with soil
- Contour the soil for the stream, pool, or waterfall in front of the HydroSieve™ inlet pipe
- Attach the liner to HydroSieve™ inlet pipe
- Install rocks or boulders
- Replant any aquatic plants
- Install gravel mixture
- Fill the HydroChamber™ with water and turn the pump on
- Cut off excess liner - roll extra under itself
- Cover all remaining exposed liner with gravel mixture
- Rinse the rock and gravel down towards the HydroSieve™
- If you have a Hydro Vortex™ waterfall filter - perform a backwash
- If not, perform a Filter-Ectomy™ so you can!

- Features both mechanical AND biological filtration for the highest water quality
- Super easy to clean: Empty and rinse the HydroSieve™ (60 seconds), rinse the stream and backwash the Hydro Vortex™ filter weekly
- Leaves, grass clippings, needles, blossoms, bird waste, dust, pollen, dead bugs and worms can all be easily removed from the ULTIMATE pondless system before they can feed algae!
- Gravel basins do not provide easy means of removing those organics
- The ULTIMATE pondless system is the easiest to clean pondless system ever created!
Benefits of the HydroChamber™
All-in-One Pondless Pump Vault
and Water Storage Tank
Made in U.S.A.
- 75 gallon capacity
- Heavy duty HDPE direct burial tank
- Dual 2" female threaded outlets for multiple pumps or pump and overflow
- 1/2" female threaded auto fill valve port
- 4" and 6" inlet pipe
- 4" tank-to-tank connection pipe for unlimited water storage
Replaces two slotted pump vaults - Replaces two water storage blocks
- Replaces 10'x10' rubber liner
- Replaces 10'x10' underlayment
- Much smaller excavation
- Easier to install
- Creates a pondless water storage basin that can be cleaned!
Remote Installation Capabilities
The HydroChamber™ convenient pump vault and water storage tank provides unlimited backyard waterfall design options.
The HydroChamber™ All-in-One Pondless Pump Vault Water Storage Tank is modular. You have complete creative design control of where you want your pump and water storage for your backyard waterfalls. If you choose, it can be at the base of your pondless waterfall. The most creative place to put your pump and water storage is completely away from your pondless water feature!
HydroChambers™ “daisy-chain” together for unlimited water volume storage. With the HydroChamber™, you no longer are required to have the pump and water storage at the base of your pondless waterfalls or water feature.
Working in tandem with the HydroSieve™-PF pondless pre-filter, the two units combine to create the “Ultimate” pondless waterfall kit. The Ultimate pondless system is easy to clean. A clean pondless waterfall is more beautiful. Your backyard waterfalls will be a joy to own and appreciate instead of a maintenance nightmare.
The HydroChamber’s™ non-obtrusive lid resembles a typical round irrigation valve box found in landscapes everywhere.
The HydroChamber™ becomes virtually “invisible” in the landscape away from your backyard waterfalls while remaining easy to access. The HydroChamber™ pump vault water storage tank can be installed anywhere you choose.
Strong and durable rotationally molded HDPE direct burial water tank. Strong enough for two exceptionally gifted pondless waterfall builders from Team Russell!
The HydroChamber™ All-in-One Pondless Pump Vault Water Storage Tank lets you install it virtually anywhere in your landscape. Instead of bringing electrical power to where you want your backyard waterfalls, the HydroChamber™ can be installed where you already have electrical power!
HydroChamber™ All-in-One Pondless Pump Vault Water Storage Tank provides you with complete pondless waterfall design freedom. The HydroChamber™ eliminates the requirement of having a large excavation with the pump and water storage in two separate devices contained within liner. It also provides you unlimited creativity for your pondless waterfall design.
I have a stone slab to stand upright weighing about 300 pounds with a bubbler out the top and other boulders and smaller rocks at its base. What type of system would work for a base and filter system hearty enough for winter freeze of -20 F?
I have a stone slab to stand upright weighing about 300 pounds with a bubbler out the top and other boulders and smaller rocks at its base. What type of system would work for a base and filter system hearty enough for winter freeze of -20 F?
I have a small area which I like to purchase equipment for: only 4’7" " x 5’7". This area is right out of our patio. I think your equipment will be great for it.
Thank you
I have a small area which I like to purchase equipment for: only 4’7" " x 5’7". This area is right out of our patio. I think your equipment will be great for it.
Thank you
What is the additional cost for the HydroSieve?
What is the additional cost for the HydroSieve?
Tom Conrad
Hello, I currently have a 60’ x2’ stream an an undersized aquablox pondless waterfall. Would your system be able to be used or make sense, in a stream of this size? Also, would I be able to locate someone to install the system locally (Chicago area)? Thanks Tom
Hello, I currently have a 60’ x2’ stream an an undersized aquablox pondless waterfall. Would your system be able to be used or make sense, in a stream of this size? Also, would I be able to locate someone to install the system locally (Chicago area)? Thanks Tom
Pamela Russell
Hello Varen,
Thank you for your comments and questions. Yes! We do ship to South Africa.
If you plan to incorporate a koi pond with your waterfall, I would recommend checking out our Hybrid Pond Kits and Crossover Pond Kits. There are some additional components that we recommend when you are raising koi, to keep them as safe and healthy as possible.
I encourage you to email me with your design ideas in order to get a custom quote. Please include the length, width, and depth of your pond, as well as the length, width, and overall height of your waterfalls/stream. We’d also like to know if you prefer a gentle, moderate, or strong flow of water in the waterfall.
In order to obtain the cost for shipping, please be sure to include your full shipping address so we can provide an accurate freight quote.
Thanks again!
Hello Varen,
Thank you for your comments and questions. Yes! We do ship to South Africa.
If you plan to incorporate a koi pond with your waterfall, I would recommend checking out our Hybrid Pond Kits and Crossover Pond Kits. There are some additional components that we recommend when you are raising koi, to keep them as safe and healthy as possible.
I encourage you to email me with your design ideas in order to get a custom quote. Please include the length, width, and depth of your pond, as well as the length, width, and overall height of your waterfalls/stream. We’d also like to know if you prefer a gentle, moderate, or strong flow of water in the waterfall.
In order to obtain the cost for shipping, please be sure to include your full shipping address so we can provide an accurate freight quote.
Thanks again!
Pamela Russell
Hi Garrie,
Thank you for your comments and questions. I will be happy to help!
Yes, you can remotely install both the Hydro Sieve pondless pre-filter and the Hydro Chamber. Ideally they should be level with each other, but a very slight downward slope to the Hydro Chamber is also acceptable.
Algae is fed by debris and dissolved organics in the water. The Hydro Sieve allows you to capture and easily remove debris, and you can remove dissolved organics by backwashing the Patented Hydro Vortex Backwashable waterfall filter. Even with these advantages, algae blooms can occur, although they are less likely than with systems that do no provide for this ease of cleaning. For the most natural approach to deterring algae, I recommend using our Hydro Clear Spring Maintenance Beneficial Bacteria with Barley. Barley is known to deter algae growth, and the beneficial bacteria and enzymes compete with algae for the nutrients in the water to help starve it out.
If you place the Hydro Sieve and Hydro Chamber adjacent to each other, no pipe is needed to connect them. They connect together with the provided 4" rubber coupler.
However, if you separate them, you will want to use 4" pipe to connect them together. We do not provide this, but ABS pipe is readily available at most local hardware stores. It would be a less expensive solution than flexible PVC for this purpose.
The vast majority of kits our customers use are on a custom basis, because everyone’s design is unique. However, we offer several size kits you can purchase online. You can browse these kits by clicking Pondless Waterfall Kits under the Kits menu on our website. If you scroll slightly down this page, there is a form you can submit with your design ideas and receive a custom quote. We also offer complete installation instructions under the Resources/How to Build It menu on our website. And we offer free technical support before, during and after your project.
Thank you very much for comments and we hope to hear from you very soon!
Hi Garrie,
Thank you for your comments and questions. I will be happy to help!
Yes, you can remotely install both the Hydro Sieve pondless pre-filter and the Hydro Chamber. Ideally they should be level with each other, but a very slight downward slope to the Hydro Chamber is also acceptable.
Algae is fed by debris and dissolved organics in the water. The Hydro Sieve allows you to capture and easily remove debris, and you can remove dissolved organics by backwashing the Patented Hydro Vortex Backwashable waterfall filter. Even with these advantages, algae blooms can occur, although they are less likely than with systems that do no provide for this ease of cleaning. For the most natural approach to deterring algae, I recommend using our Hydro Clear Spring Maintenance Beneficial Bacteria with Barley. Barley is known to deter algae growth, and the beneficial bacteria and enzymes compete with algae for the nutrients in the water to help starve it out.
If you place the Hydro Sieve and Hydro Chamber adjacent to each other, no pipe is needed to connect them. They connect together with the provided 4" rubber coupler.
However, if you separate them, you will want to use 4" pipe to connect them together. We do not provide this, but ABS pipe is readily available at most local hardware stores. It would be a less expensive solution than flexible PVC for this purpose.
The vast majority of kits our customers use are on a custom basis, because everyone’s design is unique. However, we offer several size kits you can purchase online. You can browse these kits by clicking Pondless Waterfall Kits under the Kits menu on our website. If you scroll slightly down this page, there is a form you can submit with your design ideas and receive a custom quote. We also offer complete installation instructions under the Resources/How to Build It menu on our website. And we offer free technical support before, during and after your project.
Thank you very much for comments and we hope to hear from you very soon!
Garrie Liscum
I’m interested in your system, however I have a few questions:
1) While you can locate the “filter unit” & “Pump reservoir” at any location, to maintain a full reservoir it must always be locates at the lowest gravity fall location (No?)
2) While the “filter unit” can capture leaves and debris, how do you eliminate Elgie and provide water purification without chemicals?
3) Do you provide the connecting 4" piping between tanks and also fill valves and a float assembly to maintain adequate water replacement as necessary?
4) Are all kits priced on a custom basis? If so, how do we order the desired material and products for a custom design?
Do you have an installation manual, and if so, how can I obtain this?
I’m interested in your system, however I have a few questions:
1) While you can locate the “filter unit” & “Pump reservoir” at any location, to maintain a full reservoir it must always be locates at the lowest gravity fall location (No?)
2) While the “filter unit” can capture leaves and debris, how do you eliminate Elgie and provide water purification without chemicals?
3) Do you provide the connecting 4" piping between tanks and also fill valves and a float assembly to maintain adequate water replacement as necessary?
4) Are all kits priced on a custom basis? If so, how do we order the desired material and products for a custom design?
Do you have an installation manual, and if so, how can I obtain this?
I am in the process of building a KOI Pond together with a waterfall system. I love you product, do you ship to South Africa and what is the cost for your system.
I am in the process of building a KOI Pond together with a waterfall system. I love you product, do you ship to South Africa and what is the cost for your system.
Russell Gerrish
I am planning my first pondless waretfall/ stream, eventually I want to add a pond . Can your system be utilized/ added on to, to work for my addition of a pond at a later time?
I am planning my first pondless waretfall/ stream, eventually I want to add a pond . Can your system be utilized/ added on to, to work for my addition of a pond at a later time?
You can send to Saudi Arabi
How much?
You can send to Saudi Arabi
How much?
Janet Thomas
We are getting ready to install a pondless waterfall and I am working with a Nursery on plans when I saw this advertisement. I am interested as to whether this is a complete pondless system or an add on. Thank you
We are getting ready to install a pondless waterfall and I am working with a Nursery on plans when I saw this advertisement. I am interested as to whether this is a complete pondless system or an add on. Thank you
Do you have a distributor in Calgary, Canada? Would you ship to Calgary?
Do you have a distributor in Calgary, Canada? Would you ship to Calgary?
John Leis
Hi, can I locate your products in Australia?
Hi, can I locate your products in Australia?
Dianne Rugraff
we just bought a lakefront home in SC.we have 2/3 of an acre. the back drops sharply and we have decided to do a very large Pondless waterfall . doing online research I found your website. domyou have any printed material you can send us? we need to be able to talk to our contractor knowledgeably. we mare starting o take bids next week.
if so, please send to/ Earl & Dianne Rugraff 806 Barefoot Cove Dr, west Union , SC 29696
we just bought a lakefront home in SC.we have 2/3 of an acre. the back drops sharply and we have decided to do a very large Pondless waterfall . doing online research I found your website. domyou have any printed material you can send us? we need to be able to talk to our contractor knowledgeably. we mare starting o take bids next week.
if so, please send to/ Earl & Dianne Rugraff 806 Barefoot Cove Dr, west Union , SC 29696
Merci de m’envoyer votre documentation complète et tarif.
Livrez-vous en Espagne ?
Merci de m’envoyer votre documentation complète et tarif.
Livrez-vous en Espagne ?
Deborah Lynn DiPaolo Tharp
I have read all the above questions BUT where are the answers as I am definitely installing a waterless pond, may be 16 × 20.
I have read all the above questions BUT where are the answers as I am definitely installing a waterless pond, may be 16 × 20.
Cormick g campbell
I need system that will work for me. I’m shopping this by my self. So can you tell me something about this please. I am so excited about it.
I need system that will work for me. I’m shopping this by my self. So can you tell me something about this please. I am so excited about it.
Kevin scott
I like your system. Do you ship to Thailand?
Where do I go online to check prices and order one?
I like your system. Do you ship to Thailand?
Where do I go online to check prices and order one?
Good Presidents Day! We want to have a pondless waterfall in our back yard—the yard is “ un-landscaped” as it is a new house. I’m interested in how your Pumpvault and storage system would fit in our yard and how it actually is put together. Do you have more involved diagrams or literature? Seems like a better system for our Arizona climate. Thanking you so much.
Matt Skundrick
Good Presidents Day! We want to have a pondless waterfall in our back yard—the yard is “ un-landscaped” as it is a new house. I’m interested in how your Pumpvault and storage system would fit in our yard and how it actually is put together. Do you have more involved diagrams or literature? Seems like a better system for our Arizona climate. Thanking you so much.
Matt Skundrick
John Buckley
Really like the idea of all in one hydrochamber. Do you ship to ireland.
Really like the idea of all in one hydrochamber. Do you ship to ireland.