Aeration Kits for All Sizes of Ponds, Fish Holding Tanks, and Hydroponic Systems

Pond Aeration Kits for submerged aeration in ponds increases dissolved oxygen in the water, improves water circulation, gas exchange, aids in the biological process, improves fish health, and keeps a whole open in ice during freezing temperatures.
As the tiny air bubbles rise from the pond aeration kit air stone diffuser, they pull water upward as well. When water and air bubbles rise together, they pull water towards their starting point across the bottom of the pond. When the air stone diffuser is placed on top or adjacent to the bottom drain, this aids in water current moving towards the bottom drain - increasing the efficiency of the bottom drain.
When the pond aeration kit air stone diffuser is placed at the opposite end of the pond from the pond skimmer, the air bubbles push water and debris towards the pond skimmer for more efficient pond skimming.

Pond Aeration Kits also provide a vital roll in keeping a hole open in the ice during freezing temperatures. Keeping a hole open in the ice is critical for proper gas exchange and fish health.
Pond aeration kits enhance pond fish habitats, improve water quality, helps reduce algae and phosphorus, reduces mosquitos, removes foul odors from pond water by circulating the pond water while increasing dissolved oxygen.
For ideal fish growing conditions, maintaining optimum dissolved oxygen levels aids in proper fish health. Pond aeration kits supply crucial dissolved oxygen for the overall improvement for the aquatic ecosystem. Without oxygen, fish and aquatic plants suffers and conditions can become fatal.
Pond aeration kits supply much needed dissolved oxygen to the pond water and the biological filter. Biological filters and stagnant parts of the pond without oxygen become anaerobic. Anaerobic bacteria take over the "good bacteria" we want living in the biological filter and the pond, and can cause ulcers, mouth rot, and tail rot on koi and pond fish. Anaerobic bacteria produce carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide. This is what gives "annually cleaned" waterfall filters their famous rotten egg smell.
Pond aeration kits help maintain your pond and biological filter aerobic - oxygen rich. This encourages the good bacteria to grow known as the Nitrification Cycle. Beneficial bacteria break down fish waste and organics and release nitrogen. Keeping a hole open in the ice releases the nitrogen into the atmosphere.